Friday, March 15, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 20

Develop a Sense of Urgency

·         “Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.”  Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be fund as you go along.”          Napoleon Hill

·         Get action oriented.

·         Highly productive people take time to think, plan, set priorities and then launch quickly.

·         When you see an opportunity or problem, take action on it immediately.

·         The faster you move, the more energy you have, and the more momentum you create to accomplish your tasks.

Good Luck!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 19

Create Large Chunks of Time

·         Organize your days around large blocks of time where you can concentrate for extended periods of time on your most important tasks.

·         Successful Sales Associates set aside a specific time period each day to phone prospects – rather than procrastinate, they set a time and stick to it.

·         Build your work life around accomplishing your key tasks one at a time.

·         Eliminate all distractions and work non-stop during these periods.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 18

Slice and Dice

·         Break large, complex tasks down into bite-sized pieces, and then do just one small part of the task to get started.

·         One bite at a time!

·         Create a “compulsion for closure” – it feels good!

·         Finishing tasks = Success!!

Good luck!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 17

Rule #17 – Get out of the Technological Time Vacuum!

·         Too much technology will rob you of your productive time – don’t get addicted!

·         “Technology should be a servant, not a master”

·         “There’s more to life than just increasing it’s speed “– Ghandi  On this note, remember that your clients need human touch – they need to see you and or hear your voice.

·         Just because somebody sends an email doesn’t mean you need to reply (avoid the “reply to all” button and responses (they’re time killers!))

·         Learn to occasionally turn your devices off and leave them off.


Good luck!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 16

Motivate yourself into Action.

·        Control your inner- dialogue.

·        Look for the good in every situation.

·        You can eat this Frog!

·        “The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

·        There is a valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty; find it and your optimism spreads.

·        Optimism plus action wins every time.

Good Luck!

Frog Eating Rule No 15

Maximize Your Personal Powers
·        Know your periods of highest mental and physical energy each day – schedule your most important and demanding tasks at these times.
·        Take care of yourself physically: exercise, have a healthy diet and get adequate rest.
·        Overworking can lead to under producing.
·        You avoid overworking by planning your schedule, implementing your activities without distractions and sticking to your deadlines.
Good luck!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 14

Rule #14 – Put the Pressure on Yourself:


·         Create imaginary deadlines- imagine that you have to leave town for two weeks and work as if you had to get all of your major tasks completed before you leave.

·         If you don’t put pressure on yourself, somebody else will and you may not like their frogs.

·         Stay in control of your activities by choosing your frogs.

·         Once you set yourself a deadline stick to it and even try to beat it.


Good luck!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rule No 13 – Identify Your Key Constraints

·        Determine the bottlenecks or choke points, internal or external, which set the speed at which you achieve your most important goals, and focus on alleviating them.

·        What is holding you back?

·        What is keeping you from eating your frog(s)?

·        The 80/20 rule applies to your constraints: 80% of what is holding you back from achieving your goals lie with you, it’s internal! Only 20% comes from external factors like: market conditions, government, competition, and etc.

·        Why aren’t you at your goal today? Ah ha! Another frog!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 12

 Rule #12 – Leverage Your Talents:

·        Take stock of your unique talents and abilities on a regular basis.

·        Successful people know what they do well and what they most enjoy – Know what those are for you and throw your heart into them!

·        What has served you best and from where do you get y our passion?

·        Know your talents and you will unlock your personal potential.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 11

Rule #11 – Upgrade Your Key Skills:


·         Sharpen your knife (your skills)!

·         Decorated NBA coach, Pat Riley, said, “Anytime you stop striving to get better, you’re bound to get worse”

·         Be hungry to learn.

·         Strive to be better.

·         Continue to learn, with continuous action!

·         Read, take good courses, and listen to audio programs in your car.

·         Be a lifelong student of your profession.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Frog Eating Rule No 10

Rule #10 – Take it one oil barrel at a time:

·         To help cross the Sahara Desert without losing their way, the French marked the terrain’s track with black, 55 gallon oil drums every 5 kilometers (which is exactly the distance to the horizon, formed by the curvature of the earth).

·         Take it one step at a time.

·         “Your job is to go as far as you can see.  You will then see far enough to go further.

Frog Eating Rule No 9

Rule #9 – Prepare thoroughly before you begin:

·         Have everything you need at hand.

·         Assemble your papers, numbers, information, tools, programs, whatever you’ll need to get the job done.

·         Rather than clearing your decks, you’re clearing your desk!

·         Get comfortable then, Get Started and keep going!