Monday, June 4, 2012

It’s Avocado Season

As we bounce along this economic "recovery" I look for parallels, differences, and just ideas that we can use to help with our real estate careers. A few days ago, I saw something that hit me right between the eyes.
I’m driving southbound on Academy into Sanger for a sales meeting at the office. Just as I slow (for the 40 MPH zone), I see a billboard on my right for Subway Sandwiches that reads "It’s Avocado Season". There’s an enormous picture of a sandwich stuffed with delicious looking avocados. I immediately think avocados are good. I love avocado season, I wonder how long the season is – 2 months? And then, I think I better get while the getting’s good.
It occurs to me, that of all the chain restaurants that have offered everything from avocados to western bacon double something, I don’t recall ever seeing such a great call to action. The advertisement clearly illustrates here today gone tomorrow! In anticipation for the sales meeting, I think what else is here today and gone tomorrow? The answer, listing season!
That’s right, as we cut our way through this saw tooth-like recovery, I’m convinced that anyone who is considering selling in the next two years needs to list with you now and get their property sold. Inventory is at an all-time low and buyer demand is high. With little to no competition out there, any and every well priced home will sell. Just like the bump in price for your sandwich to add avocado, sellers are getting a bump in price too (we’re up 3-5% depending on the area). It’s listing season and your sellers have 60-120 days to take advantage of it.
Our job is to shake the trees and create the low hanging fruit! Get every expired listing back on the market, every for sale by owner listed and every seller who has been on the fence in the game to take advantage of this brief seller’s market. The most rewarding, money making activity you can do right now, is to prospect for listings. Listings are the only "now" business. If you pick up a buyer in today’s market, you may write 5, 10, even 15 offers over a several month period and still not close a deal with them. On the other hand, any listing you get will be sold immediately. Listings are "now" business.
Take advantage of the season. Good luck and go get em!
P.S. I’ve eaten an avocado every day since Thursday – don’t let this opportunity pass you by!